Kaley Ali written in cursive.
I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
Joshua Graham, Fallout: New Vegas

About My Site

Welcome to my personal website, where you will find everything "Kaley," including my most ambitious projects, ramblings where I share my views on the world, and even just simple things that inspire me to keep going on the hardest days.

The goal for my website is to provide an immortalized snapshot of me, of my accomplishments, of my ideas, of my philosophy, and of everything that makes me a person. I want to share my writing and my art in a place surrounded with other things that are unequivocably me. I want to chronicle changes and creations, make corrections when I make mistakes, and be honest about where I have come from and where I am going.

This website is for me, but it's also for you. It's for my family, my friends, my employers, and it's for complete strangers to meet me and know me, and maybe feel a little less alone in this world.

About Me

I currently live in Florida where I have two cats (Onyx and Ruby), who are the lights of my life. I work at the University of Florida, where I am the Office Manager for the Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (AMRIS) Facility, and when I am not working, I am dabbling in hobbies such as web development, game development, journaling, writing, spending time in nature, and gaming.

Some things that are important to me are: physical and mental wellness, quality (in life and in work), communication, transparency, integrity, compassion, and empathy. I am a firm believer in remembering the humanity in every soul you meet and doing what you can to let others achieve their dreams. We all have a limited time here, and the least we can do is let ourselves and others enjoy the time we do have. Every ounce of effort toward perpetuating that peace matters, whether that means actively helping others or just not being a jerk.